The body and its parts | Arnold Zwicky's Blog

Human organ system vector illustrations. 2094322 Vector Art at Vecteezy




病歷 medical history


心臟病 heart disease
高血壓 high blood pressure
高血脂 hyperlipidemia
高膽固醇 high cholesterol
高血糖 high blood sugar
糖尿病 diabetes
乙型肝炎 hepatitis B
痛風 gout
肺炎 pneumonia
缺鐵性貧血 iron deficiency anaemia
嗜中性白血球缺乏症 neutropenia



哮喘 asthma
肺炎 pneumonia
肺栓塞 PE, pulmonary embolism
肺結核 TB, tuberculosis
耳鳴 tinnitus
白內障 cataract
飛蚊症 floaters
青光眼 glaucoma
眼中風 eye stroke
過敏性鼻炎 / 鼻敏感 allergic rhinitis
敏感 allergy against ...
濕疹 eczema
花粉症 hayfever



近視 short-sightedness / myopia
遠視 long-sightedness / hyperopia
散光 astigmatism
斜視 squint
色盲 / 色弱 colour vision deficiency
弱視 amblyopia



中風 stroke
骨質疏鬆 osteoporosis
水痘 chickenpox
脊柱側彎 scoliosis
關節炎 arthritis
肩周炎 frozen shoulder
坐骨神經痛 Sciatica
自閉症 autism
亞氏保加症 Asperger's syndrome
讀寫障礙 learning difficulties in reading and writing
注意力不足 / 過度活躍症 attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder
抑鬱症 depression
焦慮症 anxiety disorder
癲癎 epileptic



症狀 symptoms


pain / sore / ache
喉嚨痛 sore throat
頭痛 headache
胸痛 chest pain
腹痛 stomach ache
肌肉痛 muscle pain
扭傷 sprained
瞓o例勁/落枕 stiff neck



發燒 fever / got a temperature
發冷 chills
食慾不振 poor appetite
疲倦 tiredness
咳嗽 cough
流鼻水 runny nose
鼻塞 blocked nose


創傷 瘀傷 bruised
擦傷 graze
割傷 cut
抓傷 scratch
骨折 broken ... (body part)

sprained ... (body part) /

pull my musle


皮膚 紅疹 rashes
水疱 vesicles
腫脹 swollen/swelling
痕癢 itchy
出血 bleeding
曬傷 sun burn
咀唇爆裂 cracked lips



噁心 nausea
嘔吐 vomit / throw up
頭暈 dizzy
神智不清 delirious
暈倒 faint / pass out
昏迷 coma
抽筋 cramp
癲癎 epilepsy
胃部不適 upset stomach
消化不良 indigestion
腹瀉 diarrhoea
營養不良 malnourishment
麻痹 numbness
感染 infection
發炎 inflammation
破傷風 tetanus
悸動 throbbing
靜脈血栓栓塞 VTE, venous thromboembolism

MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus



意外 accident

跌倒 fall
撞車 crash
撞到 hit
切傷 cut
燙傷 burn
浸親 drowning
昆蟲咬傷 insect bite



檢查 assessment


抽血 take blood sample
留小便 take urine sample
留大便 take stool sample



X光 X-ray
超聲波 ultrasound
磁力共振 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
電腦掃描 computed tomography scan (CT scan)
數碼血管造影 digital subtraction angiography (DSA)
正電子掃描 position emission tomography scan (PET scan)
乳房造影 mammogram



治療 treatment

藥物 medicine
藥丸 pills
膠囊藥丸 capsule
藥水 oral solution / syrup (糖漿)
抗生素 antibiotics
眼藥水 eye drops
藥膏 cream
注射/打針 injection
靜脈穿刺 venepuncture
插管/打豆 cannulation
石膏 plaster cast
手掛 sling
麻醉 anaesthetize
手術 operation



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